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If you have a bad life its because of attitude, not those other things you blame, your penis, your height, your mother, your father, the sun rising on Tuesdays, the alignment of Venus with Mars and Jupiter being in retrograde.


A quote I use in my classes (Emotional rolleercoaster of Life).


"STOP finding excuses to fail and find reasons to succeed."


That's like telling a paraplegic to stop making excuses and walk. You understand cause and effect, do you not?


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<<<<< I'd rather have at least average height, average penis size, and average looks.... And that's why, despite my efforts, my life sucks, and it always has. I can't live with it anymore.>>>


I'd rather have a million dollars, be 6'1", have a 7" penis, hair on my head, perfect vision and teeth, a harem of devotees and living in Belize... what I want is irrelevant.


You're life sucks because you choose that life. Dozens of suggestions here from people that have turned their lives around and you dismiss them all, they won't work for you. They won't work because you won't change (not can't), its easier to blame outside factors (penis, height, mother, father, society....) than take responsibility for YOUR life and happiness.


There are people that are born without limbs, blind, deaf, lose limbs in war, and they build their HAPPY SUCCESSFUL LIVES, because of attitude and some that wallow in self-pity until they die. Its a choice.


<<< 'There are none so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know'. John Heywood 1546 for the atheists


Jeremiah 5:21 for christians 'Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not'


"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." Lao tze >>> for all of humanity.



More religious nonsense and the 'take responsibility' lecture. Again... mainstream advice that doesn't help and is only meant to hide the real issues.

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That's untrue. 40% are not below 5 inches. All penis size charts are a bell curve' date=' which is totally different than saying half are above this amount and half are below it. 4 inches is 'within the average' but when you look at the charts you can see the distribution. Less than 5% are below 5 inches, but this is still within the bell curve. 90% of men are between 5 and 7 inches erect. 5% of men are 7 inches and below. So even though I'm within the average, 95% or more of men are larger.


Mr. Average Penis Size Chart


No, we have gone over this ad infinitum here at Measurection. The Lifestyles surveys you site are Totally Wrong, using self-selected samples. Only the ones conducted covertly by urologists are valid and come-up with 5.1 as the average erect length. There is no "average range". Average or mean is not a "range". It is the total of all lengths in a sample divided by the number of dicks in the sample. Median, also so is a single number, not a range. 4" or 4.5" is not in the "average range." We are below average. However FAR MORE than 5% are below 5" according to the covert studies by urologists.


As I said, however, this data still does not help those of us 4.5" or less. I don't have the bell curve handy, but we are a very small %! That is why the 4.5 or less private forum was set-up here. Most guys here at Measure really are average or better though they feel they are not. Some of us REALLY ARE WAY OFF THE MARK!


The Lifestyles survey includes only the sexually active, questioned or measured at sexually active sites like Spring Break, a Bar, etc. This biases the sample strongly toward the larger dicked. Most of us below 5 or definitely 4.5 or less aren't very sexual active, or if we are, are likely to be monogamous and not even using condoms from Lifestyles. HOWEVER, the Lifestyles data IS VALID if you want to compare yourself to the sexually active, promiscuous set. So, yes, only 5% of those under 5" have the nerve to be out there competing wholeheartedly for sex.


Experienced women here at Measure confirm this. They admit the small of dick are rare in their sexually active circles.


Finally, a decent response. Yes I know the LifeStyles survey isn't the 'most complete' one. I use that research, as well as others, for a basis. I also use the women I've been with who tell me I am the smallest or second smallest out of 10-15 guys they've been with. One girl told me she's never had sex with a penis as small as mine, and the only time she messed around with one smaller was the first guy she messed with when she was 16.


It's wonderful being the height of and have the penis size of a 15-16 year old. What a wonderful adult existence. Denied just about everything a man could possibly ever want.


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I also can't buy pants in a store. The smallest length, 30, is still too long. Even if I can find 29 length, those are still too long. Do you understand how humiliating that is? I can't buy pants, and then I turn around and see a girl with her tall boyfriend. Then I walk around more and notice 90% of men are taller than me, and a large portion of women.


Life is a disaster and I'm reminded of it at every turn.

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No, a penis is different because it is directly involved in sexual stimulation. It's quite distinct from something like stature, or even something visual or tactile like breasts.


I feel the same, and that is what had me reflect, what made me so uneasy.


I look at my penis and to me it seems like, and has always seemed like, the worst thing in the world. About a year and a half ago when I started to try and assess my issues, what I encountered was mostly other people's negative experiences or views. Everything seemed just as bad, if not worse than I imagined. Men were complaining and lamenting their penes and everyone was agreeing with them, this went on for a few months. Then one day I found this forum and again men were complaining and lamenting their penes, except this time not everyone was in agreement. Some were countering the negativity with their own positive experiences. Some even shared how at some point they felt the same but now have come to feel otherwise.


I noticed how a few of the more troubled members became angry with those offering a viewpoint opposing their own and then would cite studies on women's preferences or strings of bad experiences, their own or other's. Like the other troubled members, I very much doubted the things the positive people were saying. I mean, all my life I've heard nothing but negative things about dicks like my own, what planet are these clowns from where they have had all these positive experiences? Some even seemed completely oblivious to the issue. I stayed, though. Kept reading, kept browsing the archives, and would eventually entertain the thought that I might have been wrong about some things. At times it still feels like a bunch of pranksters are trying to trick me, though.


Anyway. Fastforward to a few weeks ago, stumbled on that "short people forum", perused. Some of these guys were suicidal over their height, felt worthless, were contemplating risky, painful, surgeries to lengthen their legs. Most were convinced no woman would ever be interested in them because of their height. A few people tried to be positive but their input was usually dismissed, often in an offensive way backed up with statistics, anecdotes and studies on women's preferences.


A lot of those exchanges went a bit like:


"I'm married to a man shorter than me. I don't care about height, none of the women in my social group care either!"


- "You are a liar or are probably cheating on him with a real man" / "You are very rare, there are almost no women like you. Look at these statistics! Look at these studies! Women want such and such!"



"I'm short and have an attractive girlfriend"


- "Shes cheating on you/using you" / "You are the exception, not the rule. Just look at this latest study!" / "Troll!"



Naturally, I thought it was all kind of silly. A lot of these guys were around the same height as me 5'9", and I've never even felt remotely insecure about my height, nor did I ever have to deal with ridicule or humiliation due to it. I don't see "short jokes" everywhere. Bigger is better? That's about dicks, not height. No girl could ever be interested? Girls be flockin'.


I had a lot of friends that were quite a bit shorter than me and none of them were having the issues those guys at that forum were having either. No one bullied or belittled them, they all ended up with attractive, intelligent girls, they got their degrees and started respectable careers. I never noticed this "heightism" they were all talking about. To me it seemed like most of those guys were making it a far bigger deal than it actually is.


And a kind of worrisome thought occured to me; these guys feel pretty much exactly about their height as I feel about my penis. Everyone thinks they are being ridiculous, including me. Yet they can't see past their own negativity. Is it the same with me and my penis? Do I look as ridiculous to others with my own insecurities?


Those guys on that forum, the ones that are the same height as me, they are convinced something is wrong with them and that almost everyone else thinks the same. Yet here I am, on the otherside of the fence this time, thinking it's mostly in their heads.


Is it mostly in my head too? Am I really that crazy? Have I been imagining the things that I've let ruin my life? What about all those studies and statistics? Those averages I've read about? And what about all the negative things I have always seen, the things I've heard others say? All those negative experiences people shared?


Whatever, man.




I'm certain that guys on the height forum could put forward equally logical and articulate arguments about the importance of stature.


They did! Also, "height or penis" came up a couple of times. The consensus seemed to be that having a small penis is preferable to being short. They argued that height impacts your quality of life far more than penis size does.







Sorry for that ramble.


I see that your height causes you great distress. At 5'9" I'm a little taller than you, however, like you, according to all the statistics I could find, I am at least 3 inches below the average height for men in my country. It feels like a lot of men and women tower over me but no one ever seemed to think less of me for it.


While I have no doubt there are a lot of women who would only consider really tall men, my own experience has been that most women simply prefer a man to be a little taller than they are. And I have no doubt there are plenty of women shorter than 5'6". I read that the average height of women in the US (I'm assuming that's were you are from?) is about 5'4", you got that beat.


Anecdotal, I know; three of my friends, one was about your height, the other two probably a hair shorter. None of them seemed to have trouble getting girls. One of the shorter two looked like a shorter version of Nonito Donaire with a Dr. Phill haircut, at 23. That one seemed to fare the best out of the three. He was very sociable, decent shape, dressed well and had a really commanding voice. The other two were also very outgoing and pleasant to be around.


I think the advice the other's have given you so far has been sound. Those acts of self-improvement might not guarantee you'll find love but surely it increases the odds?



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Hi retrogamer,


I hope by now you've realized through the comments that you're far from alone on this site and that lots of guys here are struggling with the same issues you have.


If it helps, I have some of the same experiences, but from the opposite side of things. I'm also 5'6", but I live in Japan where the average man is something around that height and the women much shorter. I also can't buy pants off the shelf, but since I'm tall, it's not like I can just buy short pants and tailor them longer, I have to always deal with my socks showing just a little too much, or else pay triple money for special sizing that I don't even know will fit me cuz I have to order it online.


As for partners, at this point about a third of my sex partners have been shorter than I am. It's weird. The guys get really weird about it, and back when I wore heels it was a real pain in the ass to get dressed to go out for dinner because there's no such thing as cute flats.


I've also had acne for 17 out of my 30 years on this planet. All down my back and on my chin. It's embarrassing at 30 years old to have acne like a goddamn greasy teenager, but it's here and medicine won't fix it.


And as for my penis, well, I DON'T EVEN HAVE ONE! So how's that for feeling miserable?


So, yeah, life sucks and we all have problems and I know what yours feel like. But you know what? I found a great therapist and doctor who worked together to put me on antidepressants, teach me how to change my thinking so that I wasn't always obsessing over the negative and I learned how to see the positive in my life, and then weaned me back off the medication so that now I am living as a healthy, drug free and mostly happy human.


I definitely have my bad days. There are times when I think that the problems I have are so insurmountable that it's just pointless to try. And I also used to think about suicide a lot. But I would think "wow, I wish I was the kind of person who committed suicide cuz life would be way easier if I could just quit, but if I did that I would only be proving how totally lame I am."


So, have some hope. Where you are sucks roya,l sweaty, and only mostly wiped ass, but you can get out of it. Your body won't change into the one you want to have, but imagine if you could change your reality so that you lived in a world where your body was completely satisfying to you and served to make your life happier rather than drag it down? I promise that world exists and I know you can find it if you are willing to go look.





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I also use the women I've been with who tell me I am the smallest or second smallest out of 10-15 guys they've been with. One girl told me she's never had sex with a penis as small as mine, and the only time she messed around with one smaller was the first guy she messed with when she was 16.


Hey Dude!


So what???? Who cares what any particular individual might think of your penis and its relative size compared to anyone else's penis size? Besides, this litany of yours is entirely anecdotal, totally meaningless nothingness, unproveable, and quite possibly misinterpreted or even untrue or embellished.


Still, even by your own admission, you weren't even the smallest,-- despite the fact that you rather dismissively seem to assume that you actually were,-- as if penis-size were an actual determinant in deciding desirability. Besides, why would you even want to seek out, let alone utilize, the opinions of meaningless, shallow people who you yourself have already dismissed as undesirably unacceptable even to you?




It's wonderful being the height of and have the penis size of a 15-16 year old. What a wonderful adult existence. Denied just about everything a man could possibly ever want.


Furthermore, self-indulgent, "woe is me," pity-parties are off-limits, particularly once you've received the signal: :violin:


But do understand this: None of us here can make you any taller, nor make your penis become any bigger, nor make your appearance any less unattractive than what it presently is.











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A few weeks ago I came across some forum dedicated to men of below average height. It was really sad, apparently (lack of) height is something a lot of men struggle with. There were so many guys there convinced they'd never amount to anything or would never be able to date because they were less than 6 feet tall. They were sharing all their rejection and humiliation stories, tons of statistics, guys combing the media to find instances of successful short men, of short men dating taller women and of short men being made fun of in the media. "Bigger is better"? That's about ridiculing short men.


I was really shocked to learn how big of a deal this was to them and how much they appeared to be struggling with it. I'm not talking about little people, but guys that were between 5'6" and 5'10". Shorter ones too, as you can imagine, but the 5'7"+ guys really surprised me. It interested me because I was able to draw so many parallels between my own insecurities and their's. Man, there's even the constant measuring of their height.


At only 5'9" -according to them- I'm well within the "might-as-well-kill-yourself range, yet I could not identify with any of their embarrassments and struggles. They had a lot of visitors trying to offer words of encouragement, telling them thing's aren't nearly as bad as they make it out to be, but from what I gathered, the positive people never stayed very long because they would get attacked verbally and would be bombarded with statistics and anecdotes.


It really made me wonder if some of us (I) look as insane to the "size doesn't matter" folk.



5'9" is close enough to the 5'9"/5'10" average and is a lot different than 5'5" or 5'6". At that point it starts to get really bad. And you can forget about online dating. No matter what I write, what pictures I take, or what I say, I get about zero interest. The only interest I would ever get is women 300+ lbs, 2 or 3 kids, and way beneath me. And I dated them, so it's not like I'm even denying them an opportunity. I'm just tired of it.


And when people say 'there's someone out there for everyone' that is so much BS. Look at it this way. You've got one 6 foot tall guy who dates 4 or 5 girls in a three year span. The first four start well, but don't last forever. Then he meets number 5, and they really click, get married, or date long term. Great. But a 5'5" guy has no dates within those 3 years, meets one girl, and he's so desperate and unable to meet women on a regular basis that she becomes 'the one' for him, no matter if they're a good match or not, because he knows his dating value and if he doesn't stay with her he could be single for years. At least the average/tall/somewhat handsome guy got to experience more... more women, more life, before 'settling down'.


My options are so limited even before I try. I'd rather not be alive than live in this situation. A huge part of adult life is relationships, dating, and sex. To be less than average in every key attribute basically stops your adult life from ever truly starting. Number one it's extremely difficult to meet the people you want to meet, much less date them, and then if you get them in bed, you've got 4 inches. And I can't buy pants. They don't even make clothes to fit me. I literally can't buy pants/jeans in any store, and shirts run too long, making me look even worse.


It's a pathetic existence.

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A few weeks ago I came across some forum dedicated to men of below average height. It was really sad, apparently (lack of) height is something a lot of men struggle with. There were so many guys there convinced they'd never amount to anything or would never be able to date because they were less than 6 feet tall. They were sharing all their rejection and humiliation stories, tons of statistics, guys combing the media to find instances of successful short men, of short men dating taller women and of short men being made fun of in the media. "Bigger is better"? That's about ridiculing short men.


I was really shocked to learn how big of a deal this was to them and how much they appeared to be struggling with it. I'm not talking about little people, but guys that were between 5'6" and 5'10". Shorter ones too, as you can imagine, but the 5'7"+ guys really surprised me. It interested me because I was able to draw so many parallels between my own insecurities and their's. Man, there's even the constant measuring of their height.


At only 5'9" -according to them- I'm well within the "might-as-well-kill-yourself range, yet I could not identify with any of their embarrassments and struggles. They had a lot of visitors trying to offer words of encouragement, telling them thing's aren't nearly as bad as they make it out to be, but from what I gathered, the positive people never stayed very long because they would get attacked verbally and would be bombarded with statistics and anecdotes.


It really made me wonder if some of us (I) look as insane to the "size doesn't matter" folk.



What's the site? I'll join there and be able to complain freely with people who understand until I kill myself.

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The people who have the success seem to have it naturally, meaning they don't have to do anything for it. They can just be themselves. On the other hand, I have to keep improving myself in every possible way, in essence be perfect, and I can't do it. It's not natural.


I'ma call a big fat 'ole BULLSHIT here.


You're DEAD WRONG in this belief. But rather than explain why you're wrong, I offer you a challenge: can you PROVE to me that you're right? The standard of proof is really low. Just give me one fact that supports your idea that everyone who is successful doesn't have to do anything for it.


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My mother's younger sister was 5'2". She married a young 5'3" tall attorney. After a few years as an associate, he started his own successful law practice. They had two sons -- one is 5'4" and a successful pharmacist and the other is 5'3" and a highly respected child advocacy lawyer. And they're both married with kids.


The most talented electronics technician I have ever known is 4'11" tall and the most amazing PhD computer scientist I have known is 5'0".


My mom, by the way, peaked at 5'0".


So you'll never convince me that being shorter than average has to be any greater impediment than you let it. The single greatest impediment to the achievement of life goals is a defeatist attitude.



Alan G



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Hey retrogamer,


5'9" is close enough to the 5'9"/5'10" average and is a lot different than 5'5" or 5'6". At that point it starts to get really bad. And you can forget about online dating. No matter what I write, what pictures I take, or what I say, I get about zero interest. The only interest I would ever get is women 300+ lbs, 2 or 3 kids, and way beneath me.


Height is relative, I guess. I'm definitely at least 3 inches below average height where I'm from. Being a couple of inches below average height could hurt you odds with women, I guess. It didn't really seem to hurt the friends I mentioned previously though, and they would be up to 8 inches below average height here. Anecdotal I suppose, not tring to dismiss your own experiences.


The online dating thing came up on that forum I visited too. They would have you believe your experience is shared by all men below 6'. What those guys said is that the majority of the people that use those dating sites are men. The guys were mostly complaining that all the women were generally just interested in the 6'2" white men. Some guy even conjured up statistics supporting that. Also, apparantly the men on dating sites lie about their height, A LOT!


In the end you shouldn't put too much stock in the lack of attention from women on dating sites, according to those guys. Apparantly the women know there are far more men on those sites than there are women, they realise they are a rare commodity and get to pick and chose their mates. All they have to do is fill in desirable traits and some name pops up, might as well try to go for the gold. As far as I can tell, women offline are generally not quite so picky. I don't know about online dating sites myself.


Years ago I went on vacation with some friends. You know the type of place; young people, sun, beach, clubs. First day my friends wanted to go to the beach, I reluctantly went a long. Reluctantly because a depression had already taken root and I had gained a noticable amount of weight. My friends already had started the fat jokes a while back and I had become really insecure about it.


So there we are at the beach, a beach filled with tall muscular dudes and slim girls. We pick a spot near the end of the beach a bit away from the water. My friends take off their shirts because you know, it's really warm and it's the beach. Not me though. Chubby kid, too embarrassed to take his shirt off. My friends and their six packs teased me for a short while but soon got bored of it. Then something happens, all of a sudden the guys in the area start catcalling, three attractive girls in tiny bikinis entered the area. They picked a spot between my group and the water, set their blankets and stuff down, waded in the sea for a bit and then went on to strut along the shore, much to the delight of all the guys in the area.


After those girls basked in all that attention for a bit they returned to their spot to tan. Of course the tops came off, and what seemed like every dude in the area, reacted. My friends included. The girls tanned for a few minutes and then they got up again. This time they started walking in our direction, right up to me.


At first I kind of awkwardly sat there, looking up at those six boob... three girls, for what must have been far too long. I regained some sense, stood up and let out an awkward "hi" or something. I don't really recall much of what we talked about, I was sooo uncomfortable the whole time. I was also mainly focusing at not staring at their breasts, I'm pretty sure I was looking straight up at the sky the entire time, trying to make sure not to catch even a glimpse of boob in my peripheral vision for the entire conversation. I didn't want to seem like some kind of weirdo, right?


Anyway, we all talked for a bit, mainly me and the girls' ring leader. The other 2 girls kind of stood back a bit at some point. My friends tried to jump into the conversation a few times but the girl didn't seem very interested. As awkward as it all seemed, I guess I didn't do too bad because they invited us to hang out at their place some time.


Score awkward, relatively short chubby kid, too embarrassed to take his shirt off.


Tall muscular beach hardbodies and in-shape friends: zero!


The entire vacation girls would randomly come up to me and hit on me. In clubs, along the beach, you name it. I'm not talking about ogres either, while it's highly subjective, I'd think a lot of guys would have considered a lot of these girls fairly attractive. This all in what I'm sure are some of the shallowest, most superficial of venues; sunny beaches and clubs. And since the vast majority of visitors were in fact my fellow countrymen, even abroad, once again, I was shorter than most guys.


Nothing ever came of those encounters by the way, penis insecurity and all that!)


So, from what I can tell, short, overweight and akward might not work for women online, out in the real world, however, those attributes apparantly don't necessarily doom one to a lonely existence.




And when people say 'there's someone out there for everyone' that is so much BS. Look at it this way. You've got one 6 foot tall guy who dates 4 or 5 girls in a three year span. The first four start well, but don't last forever. Then he meets number 5, and they really click, get married, or date long term. Great. But a 5'5" guy has no dates within those 3 years, meets one girl, and he's so desperate and unable to meet women on a regular basis that she becomes 'the one' for him, no matter if they're a good match or not, because he knows his dating value and if he doesn't stay with her he could be single for years. At least the average/tall/somewhat handsome guy got to experience more... more women, more life, before 'settling down'.


I'm not going to disagree with you that some people have it easier when it comes to finding people to be with. Again, my short friends I mentioned earlier had no trouble with getting girls. I'm taller than them and they are more accomplished and have been with more girls than me. Same goes for you, I'm taller than you yet you've had infinitely more success with women than I had. Also, you are overall far more accomplished than I am.


As for your penis... Apparantly it wasn't an issue for the women you have been with and they only remarked on it after your insistence?


Regarding your clothing, I can imagine how you might feel embarrassed about clothes off the rack not fitting properly. You are probably far from alone in this though. Others have already suggested looking into having them altered by tailors.



And one last thing, something 5tar already touched on, something I also noticed when I visited; the "successful" short guys on that forum all had something in common, they weren't that bothered by their height and they learnt not to care how others viewed them. I'm talking about guys shorter than you. Attitude did seem to be the difference between the wallowers and the successes.


What's the site? I'll join there and be able to complain freely with people who understand until I kill myself.


Hah. That place was pretty terrible, I can't in good conscience tell you what it was! Not with all your talk of suicide. For a moment they even had me doubting my height, something I literally never gave any thought before! Nah man, best stay away from there!




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The people who have the success seem to have it naturally' date=' meaning they don't have to do anything for it. They can just be themselves. On the other hand, I have to keep improving myself in every possible way, in essence be perfect, and I can't do it. It's not natural. [/quote']


I'ma call a big fat 'ole BULLSHIT here.


You're DEAD WRONG in this belief. But rather than explain why you're wrong, I offer you a challenge: can you PROVE to me that you're right? The standard of proof is really low. Just give me one fact that supports your idea that everyone who is successful doesn't have to do anything for it.


Paris Hilton? Kim Kardashian? Jaden Smith? Lena Dunham? That's four. Nepotism makes people successful every day.

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Hey Dude!


So what???? Who cares what any particular individual might think of your penis and its relative size compared to anyone else's penis size? Besides, this litany of yours is entirely anecdotal, totally meaningless nothingness, unproveable, and quite possibly misinterpreted or even untrue or embellished.


Still, even by your own admission, you weren't even the smallest,-- despite the fact that you rather dismissively seem to assume that you actually were,-- as if penis-size were an actual determinant in deciding desirability. Besides, why would you even want to seek out, let alone utilize, the opinions of meaningless, shallow people who you yourself have already dismissed as undesirably unacceptable even to you?


I never said I was always the smallest. I said I was always the first or second smallest. And I will be that to just about any woman I hook up with, unless I start combing the junior highs for a new girlfriend. And these aren't opinions of meaningless, shallow people. They're women I know and have been with. You may not think it matters to be the smallest or close to the smallest a woman has been with, but you're sadly mistaken. It matters to me, and it matters to them. They notice (I can tell by the looks on their faces) and care (might consider not to stay in a relationship and look for something better). And sex isn't that great with a small penis. There's not enough space to move, stroke, or do much of anything. It makes sex difficult, especially when you're reduced to sex with 300 lb women.


Furthermore, self-indulgent, "woe is me," pity-parties are off-limits, particularly once you've received the signal: :violin:


But do understand this: None of us here can make you any taller, nor make your penis become any bigger, nor make your appearance any less unattractive than what it presently is.


Pity parties shouldn't be off-limits. Dumb advice like 'it's all in your mind', 'size doesn't matter' and 'best the best YOU that you can be' should be off-limits. And yes, I'm fully aware nobody here can make me taller, enlarge my penis, or make me attractive. That's the whole point of the post.







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So, from what I can tell, short, overweight and akward might not work for women online, out in the real world, however, those attributes apparantly don't necessarily doom one to a lonely existence.


Oh yes it increases the chance for a lonely existence. Search online for 'short men problems dating' and stuff like that and you'll come across many, many short men that have the same issues with online dating and offline dating. Why do so many men have the same issues if it's not a real issue?


I'm not going to disagree with you that some people have it easier when it comes to finding people to be with. Again, my short friends I mentioned earlier had no trouble with getting girls. I'm taller than them and they are more accomplished and have been with more girls than me. Same goes for you, I'm taller than you yet you've had infinitely more success with women than I had. Also, you are overall far more accomplished than I am.


Well, show me your friends and the girls they're with. I can post pics of myself with my ex girlfriends too, and you'll see they were all overweight, less than average looking (or hideous). I'm not denying a short guy could get A girlfriend or SOME short guys have some success. I'm saying MOST short men don't have success.


As for your penis... Apparantly it wasn't an issue for the women you have been with and they only remarked on it after your insistence?


Most women don't back out when getting ready for sex because they find out you have a very small penis. They go through with it, but then cut off contact or stop the sexual relationship. The others who continue the sexual relationship also keep trying to meet other guys. This one girl I was with, after messing with me, openly kept trying to meet another guy and meet one closer to what she liked. 6'4" with an 8 inch penis. She kept me around as some kind of a snack. She also said she was telling me my penis was fine to be nice and not hurt me.


Regarding your clothing, I can imagine how you might feel embarrassed about clothes off the rack not fitting properly. You are probably far from alone in this though. Others have already suggested looking into having them altered by tailors.


I guess I'll have to add $20 to every pair of pants I buy to get them hemmed to my size. Considering I have no money, I might as well just wear sweatpants. What about all the dress shirts that are always too long? Add another $20 to get them modified, too?


And one last thing, something 5tar already touched on, something I also noticed when I visited; the "successful" short guys on that forum all had something in common, they weren't that bothered by their height and they learnt not to care how others viewed them. I'm talking about guys shorter than you. Attitude did seem to be the difference between the wallowers and the successes.


Attitude is completely overrated. A tall, or tall/attractive guy can have the worst attitude in the world and a woman will 100% overlook it, at least for awhile. And what makes you think I haven't attempted to have a good, positive attitude in the past? I've approached women in more happier times, with a good attitude. You know what? I was just a short, unattractive guy with a good attitude and still got rejected. In other words, IT MADE NO DIFFERENCE. With confidence and a good attitude you're still ugly and undesirable. Sure, you may have more female friends, but who gives a shit?


Hah. That place was pretty terrible, I can't in good conscience tell you what it was! Not with all your talk of suicide. For a moment they even had me doubting my height, something I literally never gave any thought before! Nah man, best stay away from there!


You obviously made the site up if you can't even provide a link. I've been part of short height/small penis communities before, like alt.support.short on USENET, the NOSSA website, and followed the Twitter feed that retweeted negative posts made about short men.



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penis too small
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My mother's younger sister was 5'2". She married a young 5'3" tall attorney. After a few years as an associate, he started his own successful law practice. They had two sons -- one is 5'4" and a successful pharmacist and the other is 5'3" and a highly respected child advocacy lawyer. And they're both married with kids.


Proves that most women want at least a taller man, and the 5'3" guy she married was lucky to find a woman 5'2" who only wanted a man taller than herself. Plus he was a lawyer so she now has money. Would she have married him if he was 5'3" and not an attorney? Will she divorce him in five years and date a 6'2" retail clerk, so she can get the best of both worlds? Money and stability early on, and a real man in later years?


The most talented electronics technician I have ever known is 4'11" tall and the most amazing PhD computer scientist I have known is 5'0".


They sound like MRAs who realized they better follow their own interests and hobbies instead of trying to date.


My mom, by the way, peaked at 5'0".


So you'll never convince me that being shorter than average has to be any greater impediment than you let it. The single greatest impediment to the achievement of life goals is a defeatist attitude.


Life and personal goals are often different than dating, a sex life, marriage. I never said a short man could not master something and be great at it. With that said, the single greatest impedient for normal men to having a great life is genetics, including your looks, height, and penis size. Men lacking these three things generally have a much harder life. I'm proof of it, and the numerous sites for short men, dating problems, suicide rates amongst short men, etc, prove it. A defeatist attutide doesn't help, but neither does confidence.


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I said I wouldn't do this, but here goes. I am 5' 8", at least 30 pounds overweight and I work managing two gas stations, despite having bachelor's degree. If you read my thread, I used to have a penis smaller than yours, but I lost it due to a stupid action on my own part. As depressed as I am, I still don't think of taking my own life. While I don't doubt the realness of your feelings, at least you have a penis. Things could be much worse for you. I wish you luck, though your situation is far from the worst on this forum.

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I'm 5'7". I don't think its ever held me back. I'm still amazed atsome of the crazy shit I did in college. My wifeof 19 years is a beautiful smart hottie. Every guy she dated before me was tall and one had a giant penis. Who cares? She's w me for good reasons. Why? Because I'm awesome.


Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Fix what you can and don't stress about what you can't change. You control your destiny.

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Hey again retrogamer,


Oh yes it increases the chance for a lonely existence. Search online for 'short men problems dating' and stuff like that and you'll come across many, many short men that have the same issues with online dating and offline dating. Why do so many men have the same issues if it's not a real issue?


I'm not claiming it's guaranteed you will find someone despite those shortcomings, just that it isn't impossible. I used the clubs as an example because you'll often hear about the shallow nature of these casual pick ups. If I, with all my shortcomings, were able to draw some of those girls to me, in an environment packed with "superior" men (taller, better shape, better dressed, etc.), wouldn't that show you not every girl/woman considers tall, fit, etc. as an absolute requirement?


Well, show me your friends and the girls they're with. I can post pics of myself with my ex girlfriends too, and you'll see they were all overweight, less than average looking (or hideous). I'm not denying a short guy could get A girlfriend or SOME short guys have some success. I'm saying MOST short men don't have success.


Most short men don't have success, with women? I don't know man. All I know is that the three shortest guys I knew had no trouble finding girls interested in them. I've been out of touch with those 3, since my early twenties, we didn't hang out as much after high school. Last I heard one is a doctor, another was on well on his way to get a degree in some science discipline, chemistry or biology or something. When we were still in touch, the one that's a doctor dated a pretty girl, quite a bit taller than him. They met in high school, don't know if they are still together. Third, I dont know. He was always quite a ladies man though.



Most women don't back out when getting ready for sex because they find out you have a very small penis. They go through with it, but then cut off contact or stop the sexual relationship. The others who continue the sexual relationship also keep trying to meet other guys. This one girl I was with, after messing with me, openly kept trying to meet another guy and meet one closer to what she liked. 6'4" with an 8 inch penis. She kept me around as some kind of a snack. She also said she was telling me my penis was fine to be nice and not hurt me.


I don't have any experience in that area so I'll defer to your own judgement on that.



I guess I'll have to add $20 to every pair of pants I buy to get them hemmed to my size. Considering I have no money, I might as well just wear sweatpants. What about all the dress shirts that are always too long? Add another $20 to get them modified, too?


It's not fair, I guess, but what else can you do? Walk around in ill-fitting clothes? Buy kids clothes? Walk around naked? I can't think of a way around this, sorry.



Attitude is completely overrated. A tall, or tall/attractive guy can have the worst attitude in the world and a woman will 100% overlook it, at least for awhile. And what makes you think I haven't attempted to have a good, positive attitude in the past? I've approached women in more happier times, with a good attitude. You know what? I was just a short, unattractive guy with a good attitude and still got rejected. In other words, IT MADE NO DIFFERENCE. With confidence and a good attitude you're still ugly and undesirable. Sure, you may have more female friends, but who gives a shit?


Look, I grant you that a good attitude alone will not automatically get women interested in you. A positive one can only help though, right? It's more attractive than a negative one, generally speaking.


You seemed to dismiss the whole "best you, you can be" advice people are giving you. How is this not your best bet in your situation?


Lets say some short guy is poorly dressed, overweight, poorly educated, doesn't earn much, money, has a bad attitude and walks around with a turd on his head. Out of 1000 women, zero would be interested. Remove the turd from his head and maybe one out of those thousand would give him a chance. Now if this man educates himself, gets a better job, dresses better. I'm sure those odds increase further. Gets in shape to boot? Odds probably increase even more. I've heard people say dating is kind of a numbers game. For you to get the type of women you like you probably just need to keep going. Finding an acceptable mate isn't guaranteed but those improvements people suggested would surely increase those odds, however low they might still be.



You obviously made the site up if you can't even provide a link. I've been part of short height/small penis communities before, like alt.support.short on USENET, the NOSSA website, and followed the Twitter feed that retweeted negative posts made about short men.


Hah. I wouldn't make something like that up. Well played, I went through my history for you.




It was pretty disheartening when I found it, wouldn't recommend. Would probably do you more harm than good, unless you can realise it's a very biased sample of men. The happy successful one's didnt seem to stick around or were chased off.


I hope you stay around here for a bit.








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Denied just about everything a man could possibly ever want.


Here's the point (above) that makes no sense in your outlook.


From what you have said, it appears that you have strong drives to compete in spheres of competion in which you are unsuited due to height, looks, and penis size.


Assuming your estimate of your handicaps is correct, the solution is to rationally redirect your drives into other arenas of human competition. You have already mentioned trying to get rich. Vengeance makes little sense, because, apparently, you would act just like your "betters" if you were in their place. There are plenty of uses for riches, decent and indecent.


Another approach is to accept your handicaps, but thoroughly steel yourself against the "put downs" of others. . . not for me unless using alcohol, but some people can do it.


Further, you seem to be affected by an extreme arrogance NOT befitting someone self-evaluated as handicapped. You should only expect to be accepted by others with handicaps or rare people capable of seeing past the surface to a sterling character (not in evidence).


Perhaps this arrogance of not wanting to date "down" is another indication of strong hormonal drives. Arrogance is natural for those with high testosterone, but must be curbed or re-directed if it doesn't mesh with reality. Anyway, many women not meeting the "looks" status test can be admirable, impressive, etc. in other ways (JUST LIKE YOU, POTENTIALLY)!


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I have 45" chest and a 30" waist. I wear XL shirts and M pants. I either wear clothes that don't fit, buy expensive custom clothes, buy clothes and have them tailored, or make them myself. My husband has learned to make clothes without my ever helping him. He uses my sewing machine more than I do to make himself costumes. He learned on the internet from videos. It still is not cheap. Nice fabric costs. But it is better than spending money on crap, or expensive tailoring. There is nearly always a solution to a problem if one looks.

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My opinions don't necessarily reflect the opinions of this site or the site's mission.


I'm all for free will, man.


If you are genuinely intent on ending your life,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

XXXXXXXXXXXXX, in the states that have legalized physician-assisted death in the US (Washington, Oregon, Montana, Vermont), terminal illness is a necessary prerequisite for this option. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I don't know what to tell you. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I guess you're forced to either live with what you have or xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Life is shitty and sometimes there's nothing we can do about it. If you opt for the suicide route, I hope you choose not to harm anyone.


Best of luck, I hope it all turns out well for you.

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Removed methods of and endorsement of suicide.
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